Monday, January 20, 2025

annoyingly redacted opinion finds Block falsely advertised versus TurboTax

Intuit Inc. v. HRB Tax Gp., Inc., 2024 WL 5320392, No. 5:24-cv-00253-BLF (N.D. Cal. Dec. 3, 2024)

Intuit, which makes TurboTax and has had some advertising troubles of its own (hey, check out the IRS Free File program, for taxpayers with AGI of $84,000 or less and with many fillable forms for those with more), sued HRB (Block) for its advertising of a competing tax product, and succeeded in part.

TurboTax has three tiers: TT Do-it-yourself (DIY), Live Assisted, and Live Full Service. Live Assisted, the focus of this case, allows customers to prepare their tax returns largely independently, but it also provides “unlimited access to tax experts to help them with any questions that they may have,” among other features. (Live Full Service, by contrast, involves actually turning over all the taxpayer’s documents to a tax professional to prepare the return.)

Within TT Live Assisted, there are multiple individual products that a customer may select based “upon the level of tax complexity” of their situation. TT Live Assisted Basic might apply to a consumer with just a W-2 and no additional schedules. TT Live Assisted Deluxe is for a “slightly more complex” tax situation, e.g. “additional deductions and credits” or “mortgage interest.” Live Assisted Premium, “essentially includes all tax forms [and] schedules.” But all have tax expert assistance including “expert final review,” following a prompt asking whether the consumer wants to connect with an expert about their tax return.

Block has two tiers: Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and “File with a Tax Pro.” Within DIY, there are a further four tiers, including Free Online, Deluxe, Premium, and Self-Employed. DIY Free Online is geared toward simple tax returns and is free. DIY Deluxe is for consumers with more complex tax situations, such as those seeking to “maximiz[e] deduction and credits,” so it includes more tax forms. DIY Premium allows reporting of investment or rental income. DIY Self-Employed is for self-employed taxpayers who need to file a Schedule C.

DIY Deluxe had live expert help, artificial intelligence assistance, an automated accuracy review or error check, year-round support, and various guarantees, among other features. Separately, Block offers “Tax Pro Review” as an add-on, which allows “a DIY consumer, after they have filled out their taxes, the ability to send their tax return to a tax expert” along with their source documents, so that the tax expert can review, sign, and file the return.

Intuit challenged five of Block’s ad claims: (1) claims that Block’s products with expert and AI assistance features start at a lower price than Intuit’s products with similar features; (2) claims that Block’s paid DIY products are comparable to TurboTax Live Assisted; (3) claims that Block’s products with AI and expert assistance cost “[a]t least $54 less than TurboTax Live”; (4) claims that Intuit’s Live Full Service product “starts at” $169; and (5) claims suggesting that “5 million ‘TurboTired’ TurboTax consumers ‘switched’ to Block in 2023.”

For example, Block advertised: “Fed up with hidden fees? Make the switch to H&R Block with upfront transparent pricing.” TT challenged the middle tile’s claim that Block offered “expert help” “[s]tarting at $35” when Intuit’s “starting at” price for the same “expert help” was $0.

comparative ad

Also, relevant to claim (2), the ad compared a TurboTax Live Assisted product—Live Assisted Deluxe—with Block’s paid DIY products that don’t include a final expert review, which Intuit alleged was a material difference. TT Live and Live Assisted included guarantees that Block didn’t for its paid DIY products. Finally, Intuit, argued that Block’s products used chatbots to make it “incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to actually engage with an expert,” whereas TT didn’t.

For claim (4), Intuit dropped the price of Live Full Service to many customers at a starting price of $89, although in prior years the starting price had been $169; until it was contacted by Intuit regarding the inaccuracy, Block ran ads stating that the starting price for Intuit’s Live Full Service product was $169.

For (5), Intuit pointed to an email: “It’s Better with Block” that also included “TurboTired? Switch and save with Block” and concluded: “Join the 5 million+ who switched to Block last year.”

TurboTired/join the 5+million who switched ad

Intuit offered Professor Joel Steckel of the New York University Stern School of Business as an expert who conducted several surveys. He testified that respondents looking at Block’s home page—which displayed an advertisement similar to the challenged ads—believed that “there were at least as many features in the Block website and that the Block product costs less.” Based on another study, in combination with a review of academic literature, Dr. Steckel concluded that “Block’s conduct, which resulted in the perception of an equal or superior product at a lower price, could cause negative feelings regarding the pricing of TurboTax products and harm the TurboTax brand.” And a third study looking at the TurboTired ad led him to conclude that claims that “5 million+” people switched to using Block products “likely did influence ... consumers to switch to Block” because those consumers “would have understood that ... the 5 million-plus who switched to Block had all switched there from TurboTax.”

Block’s own expert, Hal Poret, critiqued these surveys and the related testimony, including use of controls.

Claims about expert/AI help: Intuit argued that Block “falsely claim[s] that its paid DIY products offering ‘expert’ and ‘AI’ assistance ‘starting at’ $35 were cheaper than Intuit’s product with expert and AI help.” These challenged ads were “literally false,” according to Intuit, because TurboTax Live Assisted Basic—which is free for certain customers—includes expert and AI assistance. Block responded that the point of the ad was not to compare the starting price for expert/AI assistance in any circumstance, but rather to compare Block’s DIY Deluxe product with Intuit’s TurboTax Live Assisted Deluxe product, and that the prices listed were literally true insofar as those were the products being compared.

The court found that Intuit’s reading of the ad was correct and that the ad was literally false by necessary implication. Block’s own witness testified that the bullet points listed on the relevant advertising tile pertained to various Block products, not just Block’s DIY Deluxe product: the tile mentions “[o]ptions for deductions, investors, and self-employed,” a statement that alludes to Block’s DIY Premium and DIY Self-Employed products.

Thus, it wasn’t credible that the ad was supposed to compare TurboTax Live Assisted Deluxe with Block DIY Deluxe based on “the tax situations that th[ose] product[s] cover” and “the tax forms that are available” in those products. The advertising tile clearly emphasized the availability of expert assistance—other than the $35 price, the most prominent text on the tile states “File your taxes with expert help.” And it said nothing about the specific tax forms available through Block’s DIY Deluxe product; instead, it alluded to multiple different Block products. “Block could easily have emphasized certain specific tax forms if indeed that was the basis for the price comparison, but it did not do so. Instead, it told customers about the starting price for Block’s products that include expert help. A viewer of this ad would readily recognize the ‘necessary implication’ that the TurboTax product it listed as a comparison was the lowest-priced TurboTax product with expert assistance.” The court therefore presumed actual deception as well.

The court also found likely success on materiality. (Here’s where harm causation gets tricky—since Intuit doesn’t directly benefit from anyone who uses the free product with expert assistance, and people who pay for TT because they mistakenly thought they’d get to use the free product are more accurately characterized as victims of false advertising rather than as beneficiaries, the “value” that Intuit gets here is actually at most “brand value” rather than the value of a truthful claim. We’re in a world where that’s enough, I guess.)

Steckel’s study of the ad at issue concluded that “respondents thought that there were at least as many features in the Block website and that the Block product costs less.” He also found that “price [was] extremely important,” and he also found that approximately one-third of survey respondents identified availability of tax expert assistance as important. He also summarized academic literature showing that “price comparisons ... increase[ ] the purchase likelihood of the brand making the comparison and reduce[ ] consumers’ intent to search for more information.” “In combination, Dr. Steckel’s findings support his conclusion that claims that tax expert assistance is available starting at a lower price through Block’s products are likely to affect consumer purchasing decisions, since a significant number of consumers are interested in expert assistance and a significant number of consumers also care strongly about the price of the product they select.”

Block’s critiques were insufficient; Poret primarily challenged the lack of a proper control group, which went primarily went to misleadingness/deception. And even without a proper control, the court wasn’t “persuaded that it should ignore Dr. Steckel’s finding that 25 percent of respondents who viewed the original advertisement thought it showed that Block’s products included comparable or more features than the comparator product.”

The court also found likely injury to Intuit, applying a presumption of injury when there’s direct competition and a tendency to mislead, as well as testimony of Intuit’s Director of Marketing Strategy of her belief  that the ads “absolutely were harmful” to Intuit, in the form of both reputational harm and economic harm and Steckel’s testimony that “Block’s conduct, which resulted in the perception of an equal or superior product at a lower price, could cause negative feelings regarding the pricing of TurboTax products and harm the TurboTax brand” and conclusions from the academic literature that “price comparisons ... increase[ ] the purchase likelihood of the brand making the comparison and reduce[ ] consumers’ intent to search for more information.”

To the extent Block was enjoined from claiming that expert and AI assistance “starts at” a lower price with Block than with Intuit, Block would likewise be barred from claiming that expert and AI assistance costs at least $54 less with Block than with Intuit, given that Intuit provides expert and AI assistance for free through TurboTax Live Assisted Basic, so such assistance is actually available for less with Intuit than with Block.

What about the claims comparing Block’s paid DIY products with TT Live Assisted? Intuit identified several putative material differences: (1) although both companies’ products offer “as-you-go” expert assistance, only TurboTax Live Assisted has the additional “expert final review” feature without additional cost; (2) this also allows a free upgrade for an expert to prepare, sign, and file the review; (3) TurboTax Live Assisted includes a guarantee that consumers will be reimbursed for any penalties assessed due to errors made by the tax expert who assisted the Live Assisted consumer; (4) TT’s access to live experts is easier.

Block argued that comparing the two was not misleading and that these putative differences were marketing gimmicks that weren’t significantly different; the vast majority of TT Live Assisted consumers, it said, didn’t get an expert final review, since they must take proactive steps to prompt the review process.

Lanham Act case law accepts an apples-to-oranges theory of falsity for comparative advertising when an ad “omits differences which would have been material to recipients.” The court found that Intuit’s feature was genuinely different from Block’s on expert final review, citing some redacted evidence. Its tools “enable Intuit’s experts to proactively identify any overarching concerns about consumers’ prepared returns.” Although both companies’ products permit unlimited question-and-answer with live experts, at the end of the process, an Intuit customer can request a final review in which the expert conducting the review proactively looks for issues and uses unique tools to help target any such issues. Block doesn’t have that “proactive” feature for its paid DIY products.

In addition, TT Live Assisted permits a tax expert to “complete, sign, and file” a consumer’s return on their behalf, while a Block consumer looking for a similar sign-and-file service must “pay the add-on fee for Tax Pro Review.” Although this free upgrade occurs in only a “tiny fraction” of cases (again, redacted), the court found that this was also a genuine difference.  However, the argued ease of access to expert assistance was not shown to be a genuine difference. Both products included “as-you-go” assistance from experts that can be reached using a “help button” from virtually any page of the tax preparation software experience. Both had live help via web chat, phone call, or screen share. Although Block’s web chat uses an “AI Assistant” to ask an initial set of questions before connecting a consumer to a live expert, the court was persuaded Block’s evidence and arguments showing that the exchange with the AI assistant was quite brief. And although some Block experts are located in India, they receive the same training and interact with consumers the same way regardless of their location.

Finally, Intuit’s argument that the parties’ guarantees were meaningfully different was mistaken.  

So, were expert final review and/or free sign-and-file used in a “tiny fraction” of cases material? The court indicated that materiality could be assessed in two ways: whether the omitted information was “ ‘likely to influence the purchasing decision’ of consumers,” generally demonstrated through use of consumer surveys, or whether “the defendants misrepresented an inherent quality or characteristic of the product.” While the “inherent qualit[ies] or characteristic[s]” of a product may sometimes be self-explanatory, any doubts as to what counts as “the very nature” of the product “must be addressed by evidence of why a consumer sought out a given product—i.e., the primary purpose(s) that drove their consumption activity.”

Expert final review was neither an “inherent quality or characteristic” of Live Assisted nor a “key product feature” going to “the very nature” of an online tax preparation product, unlike the way that “the amount of beef in a burger is an inherent quality or characteristic of a burger.” Evidence that a redacted percentage of Live Assisted consumers take advantage of the expert final review feature didn’t help. [Hmph.] “The Court is skeptical that a feature that must be affirmatively invoked—and if not invoked, is not experienced by the consumer—counts as part of ‘the very nature’ of a product.” There was no other evidence that the prospect of such review drove consumption. Evidence that consumers who used expert final review really liked it did not mean it was material to a purchase decision. Nor did Steckel study expert final review specifically. “[I]t is possible that consumers do not see a difference in value between the type of expert final review offered by Intuit and the as-you-go expert assistance offered by a live expert through either party’s products.” For the extraordinary remedy of a preliminary injunction, this was insufficient.

Similar problems hampered Intuit’s showing on the materiality of the free sign and file service, especially since Intuit doesn’t widely advertise this service, which requires “dig[ging] deep enough” online to even know that such an upgrade is available and “the fraction of individuals who are upgraded in this way is vanishingly slim.”

Claims that over five million consumers switched to Block, when only redacted [ugh!] did: Intuit argued that 5 million was the total number of new Block customers. Block added a disclaimer to that effect on its website after Intuit filed suit, but Intuit argued that it was insufficient. Block also argued that it discontinued any combination of this claim with the “TurboTax switcher” message so the claim was moot. The court disagreed, because voluntary cessation doesn’t moot a claim unless there’s no reasonable expectation that the wrong will be repeated. Here, Block only added a disclosure after the TRO hearing and that was just an asterisk linked to small text at the bottom of the page, not directly below the claim.

The court found likely success on falsity. The ad at issue necessarily implied that over 5 million people switched from Intuit to Block. The phrases “TurboTired? Switch and save with Block,” “Switch from TurboTax® now,” and “Join the 5 million+ who switched to Block last year” all appeared in the same content box within the email. Plus, even if it weren’t false by necessary implication, Steckel’s survey showed likely deception in more than 50% of respondents; even with the disclaimer language in the body of the email, Steckel found that 47 percent of respondents still came to the same conclusion.

Poret critiqued the survey by arguing that TurboTax and H&R Block are the “dominant names” in the field of online tax preparation, so people would just guess they’d switched from TT. But “Block has offered no case law supporting Mr. Poret’s conclusion that a net deception measurement of ‘10 to 20 percent or higher’ is necessary to show ‘enough evidence that an ad is misleading.’” Then there are redactions that make the discussion hard to comprehend, but seem to have something to do with Block’s intent. “In other words, Block itself has created relevant ‘noise’ that may lead respondents to believe the ‘5 million+’ switched language refers to people switching from TurboTax specifically, regardless of whether the specific iteration of the advertisement the respondents review says anything about TurboTax.”

Anyway, the court found that the ad was false, without need of a “net deception baseline (or a specific quantitative value thereof),” as informed by the court’s own “experience and understanding of human nature.” While the materiality burden was high, for a preliminary injunction, “Intuit has a slightly more forgiving burden for proving actual or likely deception.” Steckel’s testimony met this burden. “That a large portion of respondents were also confused by Dr. Steckel’s control version of the email does not change the fact that many viewers of Block’s advertising claim came away from it with the wrong conclusion.” [It just means the control also was deceptive!]

Materiality/injury: Block’s own redacted internal materials supported materiality. [What were they????] “Block clearly believes that advertising about switching to Block has in past years successfully encouraged consumers to make such a switch.”

Claims that TT Live Full Service started at $169: Intuit argued that Full Service was available at $89 to a redacted [!!] percentage of customers as “test pricing.” Block argued that its pricing team checked TT’s website and saw the $169 price and had no reason to believe that Intuit would change its prices in January. Block contended that it couldn’t be held liable “if Intuit is posting two different prices online” without disclosing that prices may differ in certain test markets.

Although false advertising is nominally strict liability, and although the strength of this argument as a matter of consumer protection is very hard to evaluate given the redaction (if the test pricing was available to 2% I’d feel very differently than if it was available to 75% of customers), the court was attracted to the mootness argument here to avoid the issue. Block’s witness testified that a Block manager checked Intuit’s website every day to validate the $169 comparison price. When Block was contacted by Intuit’s team about the $89 price, Block “put a process in place to update that content and correct the mistake on [Block’s] site,” and Block represented that it does not plan to run ads using an inaccurate starting price for TurboTax Live Full Service in the future. There were no circumstances “raising the specter of gamesmanship” here; this was just a mistake that had been addressed, and the court denied the request for an injunction as moot.  

For the claims that survived the other factors, there was a presumption of irreparable harm, which Block didn’t rebut, and “[e]vidence of threatened loss of prospective customers or goodwill certainly supports a finding of the possibility of irreparable harm.” Plus there was Steckel’s testimony that “Block’s conduct, which resulted in the perception of an equal or superior product at a lower price, could cause negative feelings regarding the pricing of TurboTax products and harm the TurboTax brand” and could “influence ... consumers to switch to Block.” Thus, Intuit was entitled to an injunction against Block ads (1) suggesting that the “starting” price for expert and artificial intelligence assistance is lower with Block’s products than with Intuit’s products, and (2) placing language about “5 million+” people having switched to Block in proximity to language about switching from TurboTax or other language inviting the inference that all 5 million+ people switched to Block’s products from Intuit’s products.


Friday, January 17, 2025

materiality survey is in--even with 20 industry employees as respondents

Multiple Energy Technologies, LLC v. Under Armour, INC., 2025 WL 82336, No. 2:20-CV-664-NR (W.D. Pa. Jan. 13, 2025)

MET sued Under Armour for multiple things, including false advertising, and here MET sought to exclude the testimony of Under Armour’s consumer survey expert Hal Poret, but the court allowed it to rebut MET’s survey expert Thomas J. Maronick and “to design and conduct a survey to test whether the relevant FDA claims influence consumer decisions to purchase Under Armour’s products that contain Celliant.” Poret would testify that his “survey utilized a classic experimental design consisting of a Test Group and a Control Group, each consisting of 300 unique respondents.” Participants assigned to both groups viewed three Under Armour web pages. The first two pages were identical between the groups. On the third page, however, the test group saw “Products powered by Celliant have been determined by the FDA to increase localized circulation, leading to faster recovery[,]” while the control saw “Products powered by Celliant can lead to faster recovery.”

test image: determined by the FDA to increase localized circulation, leading to faster recovery
control image: can lead to faster recovery

Respondents were then asked: “Based on the webpage you just reviewed, how likely or unlikely would you be to purchase apparel from the advertised product line?” They were offered eight options from “extremely likely” to “extremely unlikely[,]” and ending with “don’t know[,]” (order flipped for half). Then they were asked an open-ended question: “Please tell us all the reasons why you would be __________ to purchase the product we showed you?” Poret concluded that the FDA claim had no statistically significant influence on consumer purchase decisions.

The court found that the report and testimony were relevant and “fit” the case. It didn’t matter that he didn’t test for deception, since his opinion went to materiality, which was also at issue. He used Under Armour ads, changing only the allegedly false FDA claim, making it connected to the question at issue, and so his testimony would help the jury. “Any lingering issues with Mr. Poret’s survey design—like the fact that what influenced survey participants could have been a reference to ‘recovery[,]’—are not grounds for exclusion but fodder for cross-examination.” Alleged flaws in the survey design went to weight rather than admissibility.

MET argued that the control language, “Products powered by Celliant can lead to faster recovery[,]” was improper because it “removed the majority of the language contained in the FDA Claim”—including any reference to the FDA—“and substituted in a word not included in the original FDA Claim.” But it was the statement “that the FDA found the Celliant product benefitted the wearer” that was at issue here, so it wasn’t improper to remove the reference to the FDA. And the deletion of “to increase localized circulation” was defensible, as that language—stating what the FDA determined—was tied to the FDA claim in the test stimulus. Using “can lead to faster recovery” rather than “leading to faster recovery” wasn’t a material wording change; it went to weight rather than admissibility, as did Poret’s decision not to use funneling questions to confirm that participants reviewed the FDA claim language. “In fact, the open-ended question revealed that at least three respondents viewed the FDA claim and found that it impacted their likelihood of purchase.”

The court was also untroubled by his failure to exclude 20 survey respondents who were employees of companies making athletic apparel (including 5 of Under Armour), which does seem a bit dodgy, but that went only to weight. “MET and its expert can certainly explain MET’s issues with Mr. Poret’s analysis and why its survey expert’s opinion is better.”

statements about market conditions aren't about "nature, characteristics, or qualities" under 43(b)

Nexus Pharmaceuticals, LLC v. Long Grove Pharmaceuticals, LLC, 2025 WL 81877, No. 24-10444-MJJ (D. Mass. Jan. 13, 2025)

Nexus sued its competitor Long Grove under the Lanham Act, alleging that Long Grove made false statements about a shortage of fluorescein, a drug, which allegedly diverted consumers from buying Nexus’s fluorescein product and preventing Nexus from converting customers. In a rare interpretation of the “nature, characteristics, or qualities” language of §43(a)(1)(B), the court found that “market conditions” were not encompassed in that language, and thus Nexus failed to state a claim.

The FDA sometimes exercises “regulatory flexibility and discretion” to “help[ ] to alleviate a drug shortage and to ensure access to treatment options for patients in critical need.” Manufacturers authorized to sell an unapproved drug in shortage may normally continue doing so for a grace period after the shortage ends.

Fluorescein is a drug product used as part of a diagnostic angiography or angioscopy of the retina and iris vasculature, which enables X-ray-like images of veins. In early 2023, due to the previous manufacturer’s bankruptcy, the nationwide supply of fluorescein sodium injection became low. Long Grove bought the NDA and the remaining inventory from bankruptcy. Given the shortage, the FDA exercised its enforcement discretion to permit Long Grove to sell the old stock, and also required Long Grove to disseminate a “Dear Healthcare Professional” Letter, which the FDA also posted on its website, about the situation.

Later in 2023, Nexus received FDA approval for a generic version, and the FDA declared the shortage resolved.  Nonetheless, Long Grove continued to distribute and advertise its product with statements that a fluorescein shortage existed, despite Nexus’s protests.

The court declined to reach Long Grove’s FDCA preemption argument, because the challenged statement didn’t relate to either party’s product. Nexus didn’t like Long Grove discounting the price of its old product given its shorter expiration date, but Nexus didn’t allege that Long Grove made a false or misleading statement about the actual age of the fluorescein drug or the quality of the fluorescein drug itself. Statements about shortages relate to “supply and demand phenomena,” and “market conditions surrounding fluorescein that led FDA to exercise its enforcement discretion” rather than “any inherent quality or characteristic of either party’s fluorescein drug product.” Indeed, “[e]ven if Long Grove had stated … that fluorescein was ‘only available at Long Grove’ or ‘exclusively available at Long Grove,’ those more direct statements would still be insufficient because they do not relate to the inherent quality or characteristic of the product, as opposed to the market conditions (i.e., the existence or non-existence) of the product.’” [I’m not sure I’d go that far!] The court analogized to other cases holding that statements relating to a “marketing method” are unrelated to actual qualities or characteristics of products, e.g., “exclusive T.V. offer” made “for the first time on T.V.,” false use of the ® symbol, and false claims of legal entitlement to market a product.

Monday, January 13, 2025

are certificates of analysis and other technical specs commercial speech?

Sweegen, Inc. v. Manus Bio Inc., No. 8:24-cv-01757-JVS-DFM, 2024 WL 5317280 (C.D. Cal. Dec. 19, 2024)

Sweegen is one of the largest suppliers of non-GMO Rebaudioside M or “Reb M” sweetener, manufactured through bioconversion from stevia leaves. Its competitor makes NutraSweetM Reb M. Sweegen alleged that Manus falsely told its customers, mostly consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, that its NutraSweet M was made through extraction or bioconversion from stevia, but Sweegen allegedly commissioned independent tests that show that Manus’s sweetener is not produced by bioconversion. Although Manus argued this was a typographical error, Manus allegedly continued to mislabel its product as stevia leaf extract on its promotional materials and product description statements.

Sweegen sued for violations of the Lanham Act and coordinate state law. Reasoning, dubiously to me, that Manus wasn’t engaged in commercial speech, the court grants the motion to dismiss.

Sweegen identified five types of documents: the Certificate of Analysis supplied to customers; an order confirmation describing NutraSweetM as stevia extract; Manus’s “Technical Specification”; the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) Notification submitted to the FDA; and the Confirmation of non-GMO Ingredient Certificate; all of which stated that Manus’s NutraSweetM is “stevia extract” or made through bioconversion.

Under Ariix, LLC v. NutriSearch Corp., 985 F.3d 1107 (9th Cir. 2021), “commercial speech analysis is fact-driven,” and courts must “try to give effect to a common-sense distinction between commercial speech and other varieties of speech.”

Manus argued that these documents weren’t commercial speech because there was no economic motivation to induce purchases through them; they were “solely technical and procedural”—things like “a Certificate of Analysis or order confirmations are routine documents used in the ordinary course of business, provided after the purchase.”

Sweegen responded that these were still promotional in that they were used to convince CPG companies to purchase Reb M, “who in turn make the same misrepresentations to end-user consumers. The written materials are directly used by CPG manufacturers to claim that their product is non-GMO or made from stevia extract.” Although that would persuade me (except as to materials submitted to the FDA), Manus persuaded the court. [Note that even after Lexmark, Sweegen might have difficulty showing standing to sue the CPG manufacturers who are repeating the false claims on their own ingredient lists, even though that’s definitely advertising, given its reasoning on causation below—so the court’s reasoning may allow false advertising arbitrage.]

Ignoring that purchasers wouldn’t buy things that didn’t meet their standards, the court reasoned:

Common sense suggests that technical specifications, confirmation orders, and certificates are routine and informational. The “primary purpose” of a Certificate of Analysis is to confirm the contents of an order. Manus provides Technical Specifications primarily to inform buyers of acceptable labels for NutraSweetM. ... The argument that Manus’s CPG customers use the information from Manus’s materials to promote its Reb M as stevia extra is one step removed from finding that Manus provided the documents with the primary purpose of reaping economic benefit.

Anyway, even if these materials were commercial speech, the court wasn’t convinced that the purpose of the speech was to influence consumers to buy Manus’s Reb M or that it was sufficiently disseminated to the relevant purchasing public. Although the documents were integral to the sales, the court reasoned that Manus’s documents were not created to influence consumers to buy the product. And, though the facts seem to suggest a coordinated campaign, the court didn’t think they were sufficiently disseminated if they were only sent after purchase. (Although apparently the non-GMO certificate was a “one-off”, as was the GRAS notification to the FDA, which I agree deserves different treatment.) Perhaps this could be corrected by amendment: “The required level of circulation to meet this element may vary by industry but no additional facts are alleged to support that Manus’s materials were sufficiently disseminated. Furthermore, the Complaint does not mention who the ‘relevant purchasing public’ is and whether it includes the end-product users or just the CPG companies.” Plus, I would think that the certificates etc. would be important to potential repeat customers.

Sweegen did plead proximate causation since they compete for the same CPG clients.

Call for Papers: Harvard/Yale/Stanford Junior Faculty Forum, June 2-3, 2025

Request for Submissions

Harvard/Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum

June 2-3, 2025, Harvard Law School

Harvard, Stanford, and Yale Law Schools are soliciting submissions for the 2025 Harvard/Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum, to be held at Harvard Law School on June 2-3, 2025. Twelve to twenty junior scholars (with one to seven years in teaching) will be chosen, through a double-blind selection process, to present their work at the Forum. A senior scholar will comment on each paper. The audience will include the participating junior faculty, senior faculty from the host institutions, and invited guests. The goal of the Forum is to promote in-depth discussion about particular papers and more general reflections on broader methodological issues, as well as to foster a stronger sense of community among American legal scholars, particularly by strengthening ties between new and veteran professors.

TOPICS: Each year the Forum invites submissions on selected topics in public and private law, legal theory, and law and humanities topics, alternating loosely between public law and humanities subjects in one year, and private law and dispute resolution in the next. For the upcoming 2025 meeting, the topics will cover these areas of the law:

Administrative Law

Antidiscrimination Law and Theory

Constitutional Law—theoretical foundations

Constitutional Law—historical foundations

Criminal Law

Critical Legal Studies

Environmental Law

Family Law

Jurisprudence and Philosophy

Law and Humanities

Legislation and Statutory Interpretation

Public International Law

Workplace Law and Social Welfare Policy

A jury of accomplished scholars will choose the papers to be presented. There is no publication commitment. Harvard Law School will pay presenters’ travel expenses, though international flights may be only partially reimbursed.

QUALIFICATIONS: Authors who teach law in the U.S. in a tenured or tenure-track position as of the submission deadline (February 28, 2025) and have not been teaching at either of those ranks for a total of more than seven years are eligible to submit their work. American citizens or permanent residents teaching abroad are also eligible provided that they have held a faculty position or the equivalent, including positions comparable to junior faculty positions in research institutions, for less than seven years and that they earned their last degree after 2015. We accept jointly authored submissions, but each of the coauthors must be individually eligible to participate in the Forum. Papers that will be published prior to the Forum are not eligible. There is no limit on the number of submissions by any individual author. Faculty from Harvard, Stanford, and Yale Law Schools are not eligible.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Electronic submissions should be sent to Rebecca Tushnet at with the subject line “Junior Faculty Forum.” The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Remove all references to the author(s) in the paper. Please include in the text of the email your name, the title of your paper, your contact email and address through June 2025, and under which topic your paper falls. Each paper may only be considered under one topic. Any questions about the submission procedure should be directed to Rebecca Tushnet.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Inquiries concerning the Forum should be sent to Christine Jolls ( or Yair Listokin ( at Yale Law School, Rebecca Tushnet ( at Harvard Law School, or Norman Spaulding ( at Stanford Law School.

Christine Jolls

Yair Listokin

Rebecca Tushnet

Norman Spaulding

Friday, January 10, 2025

literal falsity might not matter with sufficiently sophisticated customers

G. W. Aru, LLC v. W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., No. JKB-22-2636, 2025 WL 45827 (D. Md. Jan. 7, 2025)

I’m skipping most of the patent parts, though they are very much present in the case and interact with a falsity issue. The parties, GWA and Grace, compete in the manufacture and sale of carbon monoxide (CO)-carbon dioxide (CO2) combustion promoters, which are products used in the petroleum refining process. GWA alleged that Grace copied GWA’s patented combustion promoter technology and mounted a marketing campaign denigrating GWA’s products to customers.

A combustion promoter is a small particle used in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), a process for refining crude oil into higher value products such as gasoline. Combustion promoters help convert CO into CO2, which is desirable because too much CO in an FCC unit can cause damage to FCC equipment (“afterburn”). CO to CO2 combustion promoters consist of a porous support particle, often made of alumina, impregnated with Group VIII noble metals (typically platinum or palladium). The noble metals are the active component in promoting the conversion of CO to CO2. GWA’s patent claims a combustion promoter that requires less noble metal to achieve the same level of CO combustion, using an “eggshell” distribution of noble metals instead of the traditional homogenous distribution. This is allegedly beneficial because noble metals are “very expensive,” and because it results in reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), heavily regulated pollutants.

The challenged claims were made in a trade magazine for the petroleum industry; on a blog post on Grace’s website; and, sometimes with greater elaboration, in direct outreach to certain customers. There were (1) comparative performance claims; (2) lower NOx emissions claims; and (3) claims about noble metal on the outer surface of the combustion promoter particles.

For the comparative performance claims, there was no genuine dispute that the ads were literally false, and deception was presumed as a matter of law, but there were still disputes about materiality and injury, so a jury would have to decide liability. On the others, falsity and deception were also in dispute.

Comparative performance claims: Grace claimed that a customer trial showed that the usage rate for Grace’s product decreased by 62%64% compared to GWA’s (Grace told multiple customers that GWA was the comparator). Unfortunately for Grace, this was a “tests prove” claim, and the tests at issue undisputedly didn’t prove that. There were no data on afterburn. (I guess I’m the sole holdout treating data as plural.) And at most, the claims of 62/64% improvement were 52%/30%, respectively.

“Questions of who prepared the underlying data, what caused the errors, and whether a defendant knew the statements were false at the time, are of no moment to the question of falsity.” Grace cited Ony, Inc. v. Cornerstone Therapeutics, Inc., 720 F.3d 490 (2d Cir. 2013), for the proposition that “in a false advertising claim, it is relevant whether the alleged statements are fabricated or fraudulently created,” but that was inapposite. Ony involved “a peer-reviewed scientific journal and concerned an area of legitimate ongoing scientific debate.” “But here, there is no contention that the analysis of the data on which Grace relied for the comparative performance claims is the subject of legitimate scientific debate; on the contrary, it seems that the analysis is fairly straightforward for someone with the relevant technical knowledge. Moreover, Grace’s analysis was not published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, but rather in a trade magazine and on its own website.”

NOx claims: Grace advertised that:

The greater the percentage of either palladium or platinum at the surface of the particle, the more accessible the metals are to provide an effective activity response. By incorporating a modified alumina, Grace’s optimised CO promoters (both platinum and palladium based technologies) can provide the same CO promotion activity at a lower metals level, with an additional benefit of lower NOx emissions. Based on this new technology, Grace has commercialized Optimized CPP, a low-NOx CO promoter that contains lower palladium levels while maintaining CO promotion activity.

GWA argued that these statements were literally false because Grace had no data supporting these claims. The court found a genuine dispute of fact on literal falsity. There was no express reference to testing; a reasonable jury could find that it wasn’t an establishment claim. It was not enough for GWA to argue that the data on which Grace relied were insufficient; anyway, there was a genuine issue of fact even on that. Grace argued that its “Optimized CPP” product uses less palladium and that its testing showed that decreasing the palladium level on the CPP additive resulted in lower NOx emissions. Even if that testing was over ten years old, that could still be supportive evidence.

Finally, the court noted that Grace did make more detailed, “tests prove”–style claims in follow-up email communication to certain customers. But the court wasn’t sure that such supplemental outreach constituted “commercial advertising or promotion”; there was a factual question on that for a jury.

Outer surface claims: Grace advertised:

The process Grace uses to incorporate palladium and platinum onto the combustion promoter naturally leads to a particle where the majority of the metals are located at the surface. However, the advanced alumina used for the optimised CO promoters results in an even higher proportion of the metals residing on the outer surface of the particle.

The advertisement then goes on to tout the advantages of that. In arguing literal falsity, GWA relied heavily on Grace’s statement in its amended answer that Grace “admits that its CP® CO to CO: combustion promoter is intended to have a uniform distribution of noble metal throughout the promoter.” At the preliminary injunction stage, the court found that Grace’s admission in its pleading supported a finding that the outer surface claims were likely to be literally false. But that wasn’t binding at the summary judgment stage:

If this case were simply a false advertising action, then Grace’s admission would conclusively establish the literal falsity of the “outer surface” claims. But GWA’s own claim for patent infringement complicates the matter. To prevail on its patent infringement claim, GWA must prove that Grace’s combustion promoter particle has a higher concentration of noble metals in the outer region of the particle as compared to the center. To prevail on the false advertisement claim, however, GWA must prove something that is close to the exact opposite—that Grace’s particles do not have a higher concentration of noble metals on the particle’s “outer surface.” There is nothing wrong with pleading in the alternative, but the very fact that GWA is intent on pursuing both theories suggests that summary judgment on the question of the distribution of noble metals in Grace’s products is premature.

To win its patent infringement claims, GWA argued that its testing showed that there was a higher concentration of noble metals in the “outer region” of Optimized CPP as compared to the center. But if that was true, “then there is at least some basis for believing that there is also a higher concentration of noble metals in the ‘outer surface’ of the particle. GWA argued that there was a meaningful difference between “outer surface” and “outer region,” but there was no clear explanation of “how one could distinguish the outer surface of a microsphere from the outer region.” “[A]lthough testing by GWA’s putative expert purports to show that there was no noble metal detected on the outer surface of the accused product, a reasonable jury could find that the testing is not conclusive, because the depth chosen to measure the ‘outer surface’ was somewhat arbitrary.” Given a crucial disputed issue in the case—whether Grace’s accused products have the kind of “eggshell” design claimed in GWA’s patent—it would be premature to resolve the issue in the false advertising part of the case.

What about materiality? There’s a circuit split on whether literal falsity also carries a presumption of materiality; the Fourth Circuit hasn’t weighed in, and the court assumed that materiality must still separately be shown. At the preliminary injunction stage, the court found that “cost efficiency” was likely to be material, and GWA provided testimony from industry professionals that all three claims were material. “A reasonable jury may well find this evidence convincing. But, Grace has produced countervailing evidence that tends to show that the relevant customers are sophisticated industrial firms that would likely do their own testing before implementing a new product. In short, whether Grace’s challenged statements were likely to influence the purchasing decision of the relevant consumers is a disputed factual question that the Court cannot resolve now.”

Nonetheless, because literal falsity doesn’t require evidence of deception, no further evidence that the ads deceived consumers would be required, which strikes me as logically inconsistent with the reasoning immediately prior; the whole literal/implicit falsity apparatus + materiality has developed into a formalism that is probably at this point more harmful than helpful to reaching just results.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

"Target Clean" might certify specific qualities to reasonable consumers

Boyd v. Target Corp., --- F.Supp.3d ----, 2024 WL 4287669, No. 23-CV-02668 (KMM/DJF) (D. Minn. Sept. 25, 2024)

This interesting lawsuit relies on Target’s curatorial reputation for the false advertising claim. Target is headquartered in Minnesota and plaintiffs sought to represent a putative nationwide class over certain products labeled “Target Clean.” Target allegedly represents that the labeled products are “clean” because they are “free from ‘commonly unwanted’ chemicals or ingredients” and “ ‘formulated without ingredients [consumers] may not want.’ ” The labeling is allegedly independent of manufacturer claims, and at least some Target Clean products are not labeled or marked with a similar claim or description by the manufacturer.

example of Target Clean store sign

Target allegedly uses a bright green hexagon within which is Target’s typical “bullseye” logo and the word “clean.” Sometimes it’s on individual shelf labels associated with particular products, and also on larger display signs that offer a short explanation of the Target Clean program including a brief explanation of Target’s criteria, as well as on a website. It has identified 13 ingredients as being “banned” from Target Clean Beauty Products. The complaint has details about the alleged harms of these ingredients; generally, they allegedly have “known impacts on human health and the environment.”

Target allegedly designed and describes the Target Clean program as a shopping assistant for health-conscious consumers. A Target merchandise executive allegedly described the program as “tak[ing] the complications out of finding better-for-you product options,” conveying to the consumer that Target has done that work for them. However, plaintiffs alleged that some products do contain the banned ingredients, and that others contain ingredients that are equally or more harmful to humans than the banned ingredients.

Plaintiffs alleged common law breach of warranty, express and implied; common law fraud; negligent misrepresentation; violations of the Minnesota Consumer Fraud Act and Minnesota Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act; and violations of Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma, and Washington consumer fraud and protection statutes (on behalf of putative state subclasses).

Notes of interest: Target argued that exact purchase dates, not just year and month, were required to plead fraud with particularity; the court disagreed:

While the Court can certainly envision a scenario in which specific-date allegations are key to providing notice, this is not such a case. For one, the Court is unpersuaded that individual purchase dates are the relevant “when” in this matter, at all. Plaintiffs do not allege discrete acts of deceit or fraud where Target’s purported misrepresentations were unique to individual purchases on different dates. Instead, Plaintiffs allege that Target Clean has induced sales through misleading claims throughout the program’s entire existence. The fact that this allegation is broad does not mean that it fails to provide notice to Target as to “when” the fraud allegedly occurred. Moreover, as alleged in the Complaint, the period in which Target made its misrepresentations is not particularly long. According to the Complaint, the Target Clean program was launched in 2019 and continues to this day. This provides a “when” window of no more than four years at the time of the filing of the Complaint.

The real issue of interest is the reasonable consumer standard. Although the court was somewhat dubious, the early stage of the case allowed the claim to proceed. Certainly the allegation that at least one product literally contained an ingredient on the banned ingredients list had to be accepted.

The court was more sympathetic to Target’s arguments that “reasonable consumers would view Target’s posted definitions” to better inform themselves about what the program does and does not claim and that “clean” lacks any “accepted meaning [and] is too subjective and vague and wholly dependent on an individual’s interpretation, and lacks an empirical benchmark to provide any indicia of measurability to create a basis for a lawsuit ... based on reasonable consumer confusion.” But factual development was still required. “Clean” was something of a moving target—plaintiffs alleged meanings related to health; Target argued that Target Clean was a “proprietary” term and therefore meaningless puffery, “embodying only its own exact terms and conditions and communicating nothing more.”

At this stage, the court would not resolve the issue in Target’s favor. “Target’s own case law suggests that ‘clean’ is being used in cosmetics sales widely, and has at least some kind of consistent meaning apart from whatever proprietary meaning Target wishes to assign to it.” Moreover, “Target’s dependence on an idealized scenario of clear explanation and disclosure about its own definition of Target Clean ignores Plaintiffs’ second-order assertions about the Target Clean program—namely, that the program’s definitions about itself are confusing and inconsistent.” Finally, “Target’s position requires far too much assumption about what a Target Clean consumer would have reasonably encountered or been told about this program at the time of their purchases.”

The court noted that the last point made this case “unique” compared to other facially similar cases:

Many of the cases cited by Target dismissing consumer fraud actions can be fairly characterized as “product cases,” meaning that a plaintiff has sued the manufacturer of a product for the representations made about (and often literally on) that product. In this relatively closed universe—featuring a directly proprietary representation about a product, typically capable of being immediately verified or at least scrutinized by the consumer—it makes more sense for a court to render early legal conclusions about who the reasonable consumer is and what they have perceived. But the situation presented in this case is much murkier because this is not a typical products case. This is a case about a well-known national retailer alleged to have independently curated a selection of products and then presented those products to the consumer as being “Target Clean” through at least several variations of representations. The central allegation presented is that the Target Clean program itself is inherently deceptive, not merely any one claim about any one product. In other words, by representing Target Clean as a neutral tool to help consumers, Target is alleged to have used an imprimatur of authority, as a retailer, to point health-conscious consumers toward purchasing certain products.

Given this “broader Target marketing landscape,” plaintiffs were entitled to more expansive inferences about reasonable consumers. “[W]hile all of these positive representations about products communicate to the consumer that someone would like to sell them something, only Target’s representation that a product is ‘Target Clean’ suggests that Target has done some work on their behalf”:

The independent curation also effectively removes another key basis on which consumer deception cases are dismissed under Rule 12: that a reasonable consumer understands the concept of commercial puffery and knows they must verify the claims made about products. This caveat emptor logic does not squarely apply here. It is one thing to assume that a consumer expects a shampoo manufacturer to promote its own products by any means necessary, and therefore require that consumer, as a matter of law, to verify package labeling for abject dishonesty before claiming to have been deceived. But it is another thing to assume what a consumer reasonably expects when Target positions itself between the manufacturer’s label and the consumer, promoting certain products on its shelves over others as embodying certain standards. Here, the typical sales motivations are altered, and indeed, at this stage the Court can imagine that a consumer might reasonably assume that Target had independently made an assessment that some of its products are cleaner than others in a way that is meaningful to its customers. What follows from such an assumption (e.g., whether a reasonable consumer would feel that Target had relieved them of the need to verify claims or whether the reasonable consumer would view Target’s independent representations as being no more trustworthy than those of the shampoo maker) remains opaque to the Court. But assuming as true Plaintiffs’ well-pleaded allegation that Target Clean products are not actually “cleaner” than others, that opacity forecloses a quick dismissal on the merits of Plaintiffs’ fraud-based claims.

What about the next step in the chain of logic—that the Target Clean program allows ingredients that are just as harmful as the “banned ingredients”? “Plaintiffs implicitly suggest that a reasonable consumer would understand the representation as identifying banned ingredients by kind rather than with literal specificity.” That is, that “propylparaben is a banned ingredient because it is a harmful endocrine disruptor, and not merely that propylparaben is a banned ingredient.” Target argued that “the list of banned ingredients speaks for itself and cannot impart any representation other than its own, plain terms.” The court found this to be Target’s strongest argument, but not on a motion to dismiss. (FWIW, I think it’s an incredibly weak argument—the basic rules of implicature suggest that these ingredients are banned for a reason, and the reason is that they’re bad for you; banning ingredients that are bad for you while allowing others that are just as bad for you for the very same reasons that the banned ones are bad for you is silly and counterintuitive.)

[T]he difference between the representations and expectations alleged in the Complaint is not one of apples and oranges. Furthermore, as discussed above, Target is alleged to have made statements about the Target Clean program that arguably encourage broader expectations than Target is willing to concede can arise out of the fine print. Indeed, there is a fairly straight line between the alleged representation that Target Clean products are “formulated without a group of commonly unwanted chemicals” or “formulated without ingredients they may not want” and Plaintiffs’ assertion that a reasonable consumer broadly expects Target Clean products to “be safe and good for humans.”

The court also found the reasonableness of plaintiffs position strengthened by the reference to the FTC’s Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (Green Guides), which state that “a truthful claim that a product, package, or service is free of, or does not contain or use, a substance may nevertheless be deceptive if: [ ] the product, package, or service contains or uses substances that pose the same or similar environmental risks as the substance that is not present.”

I won’t mention most of the other claim-specific issues, but Target sought to strike class allegations arising under Alabama’s Deceptive Trade Practice’s Act (ADTPA) because of a limitation written into the statute by the Alabama legislature that purports to ban the formation of class actions:

A consumer or other person bringing an action under this chapter may not bring an action on behalf of a class. The limitation in this subsection is a substantive limitation and allowing a consumer or other person to bring a class action or other representative action for a violation of this chapter would abridge, enlarge, or modify the substantive rights created by this chapter.

But Rule 23 governs the formation of classes in federal litigation. Shady Grove Orthopedic Associates, P.A. v. Allstate Insurance Co., 559 U.S. 393 (2010), as applied by the Eleventh Circuit to Alabama’s law, Lisk v. Lumber One Wood Preserving, LLC, 792 F.3d 1331 (11th Cir. 2015), rejected the claim that Alabama’s statutory ban on class action formation under the ADPTA implicated any substantive right (against deceptive conduct) as a matter of federal law. “The State of Alabama may organize consumer lawsuits in its own courts differently, but cannot impose those preferences on the federal courts. … [T]he nuanced analysis required under the Rules Enabling Act, as guided by Shady Grove, does not hinge on whether a state simply says that a given law does or does not implicate a substantive right.”]

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

"pure" chocolate may be deceptive if it has too much heavy metal

In re Theos Dark Chocolate Litigation, 2024 WL 4336631, No. 23-cv-02739-HSG, --- F.Supp.3d ---- (N.D. Cal. Sept. 27, 2024)

Plaintiffs alleged that Theo’s dark chocolate bars contained, or risked containing, the heavy metals cadmium, lead, and arsenic at levels exceeding California’s then-governing Maximum Allowable Daily Level, as revealed by Consumer Reports in December 2022 and subsequently confirmed by plaintiffs’ independent testing. These heavy metals allegedly cause “harmful effects, particularly in children,” putting children at risk for lowered IQ, behavioral problems (such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), type 2 diabetes, and adults face an increased risk of “cancer, cognitive reproductive problems, and other adverse conditions” from just a “modest amount” of exposure. Plaintiffs alleged that because “[i]t is possible to reduce or even eliminate toxic heavy metals in the Products,” “Theo could have implemented changes to its business and manufacturing practices to control and eliminate the heavy metals in the Products it sold to Plaintiffs and the public,” but that it has failed to do so. Certain products’ outside labels promote the product as “pure,” which was allegedly deceptive because it “suggest[s] the absence of adulterants in the Products.” Plaintiffs also argued that the heavy metals were deceptively omitted from the ingredient list. And some plaintiffs allegedly relied on the inside of the wrapper, which stated that Theo “pay[s] higher prices for quality cacao beans,” that the products are “from farm to bar to you,” and that they are “organic chocolate you can feel good about” eating.

Plaintiffs sued for violations of Washington’s Unfair Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act, the usual California statutes, the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, and common law negligent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, breach of implied warranty of merchantability, and breach of express warranties.

Article III standing was present because of the alleged price premium paid. Standing for injunctive relief was present because of the alleged inability to rely on the advertising/labeling in the future despite plaintiffs’ desire to purchase Theo dark chocolate bars if the claims suggesting the absence of heavy metals were true, given that they explicitly allege that “[i]t is possible to reduce or even eliminate toxic heavy metals in the Products,” and discuss various ways that reduction and elimination may be accomplished. This was made even more plausible by the allegation that “competing dark chocolate producers are able to manufacture products” with lower levels of heavy metals.

Theo also argued that plaintiffs couldn’t bring claims on behalf of nationwide class under the laws of 48 other states, but plaintiffs argued that their nationwide claims were based on the law of Theo’s home state, Washington, so that was ok for now.

Nor did the doctrine of primary jurisdiction bar the claims. “This case is far less about the science of food safety than it is about whether a product label is misleading. Plaintiffs present a deceptive labeling case well within this Court’s domain, as ‘this is not a technical area in which the FDA has greater technical expertise than the courts – every day courts decide whether conduct is misleading.’” Furthermore, “[t]he Court has no reason to believe that the FDA is currently conducting a binding investigation or rulemaking process regarding heavy metals in dark chocolate that will conclude soon, and therefore sees no reason to defer to the FDA’s jurisdiction on the matter.”

Nor did a consent judgment entered into under California’s Proposition 65 with several chocolate manufacturers bar the claims. This was not a claim of failure to warn under Proposition 65, but an independent false advertising claim.

Statutory consumer protection claims survived; all three states use the reasonable consumer standard. The theory of deception here involved both affirmative misrepresentations and omissions. Any claims based on statements on Theo’s website failed because plaintiffs didn’t plead reliance on those alleged misrepresentations.

So, the relevant representations included the descriptor “Pure” on the outside label, and the statements on the inside label that the products are “from farm to bar to you,” contain “quality cacao beans,” and are “organic chocolate you can feel good about” eating. Theo argued that “pure”/ “purity” was just a product descriptor and differentiated products containing added ingredients such as fruit and nuts from bars compromised solely of dark chocolate, not communicate an absence of heavy metals. And it argued that the other statements were just puffery.

The court agreed that “Farm to bar to you” and “chocolate you can feel good about” were nonactionable puffery, as reasonable consumers would not rely on these aspirational statements as reliable promises about the cacao bean’s journey from seed to shelf or how a consumer might feel about their chocolate. But “pay[s] higher prices for quality cacao beans,” was a factual assertion that Theo was selective about its cacao beans and chose to invest in a superior raw product; it didn’t understand Theo to have challenged “pure” as puffery (rather than just as having a different factual meaning); and “quality cacao bean” could plausibly mislead consumers about heavy metal content. A reasonable consumer could conceivably understand these statements to suggest the absence of contaminants like heavy metals. The court expressed its doubts that plaintiffs would be able to prove this—but that’s not a question for the motion to dismiss stage.

However, the omission of warnings about heavy metal content wasn’t actionable. To plausibly allege a fraudulent omission, the omission must either (1) “be contrary to a representation actually made by the defendant,” or (2) “an omission of a fact the defendant was obliged to disclose.” “[A] defendant only has a duty to disclose when either (1) the defect at issue relates to an unreasonable safety hazard or (2) the defect is material, ‘central to the product’s function,’ and the plaintiff alleges one of four situations established by California law.  As to safety, plaintiffs argued that no amount of lead is safe and that even low levels of cadmium and “long-term ingestion of even small amounts of arsenic” (in its inorganic form) can cause health concerns. But they didn’t plead that the amounts of heavy metals that occur in Theo’s products have caused harm or create an unreasonable safety hazard; they didn’t show that the levels exceeded the limits imposed by California’s new limits under the consent judgment mentioned above.

Under the second theory, plaintiffs alleged that the levels of lead or cadmium in the Products affect the central functionality of the products because “[t]he central function of food, even in the form of chocolate, is to provide nutrition and this is contradicted by the presence of heavy metals,” which plaintiffs allege are unsafe even in trace amounts. But they didn’t plausibly plead that chocolate containing trace amounts of heavy metals ceases to function as food – or ceases to provide any nutritional value. So the omission theory failed.

Negligent misrepresentation and unjust enrichment claims survived (for now); breach of implied warranty claims failed because plaintiffs didn’t plead the products were unfit for use as food; but express warranty claims survived because of the affirmative misrepresentation theory above.

UCL unlawful claim: Theo argued that it wasn’t “required to list the possible presence of heavy metals as separate ingredients in the Products’ ingredients lists” and need not disclose “incidental additives.” The FDA exempts manufacturers from the obligation to disclose “[i]ncidental additives that are present in a food at insignificant levels and do not have any technical or functional effect in that food.” “Incidental additives” include “[s]ubstances migrating to food from equipment or packaging or otherwise affecting food” provided they are “not food additives,” or, if they are food additives, “are used in conformity with regulations established pursuant to [the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA)].”

But plaintiffs alleged that the levels are significant—both to consumers and in numerical quantity. This was a factual question that couldn’t be resolved at this stage.

Nor was the issue expressly preempted by the FDCA. Plaintiffs brought their unlawful misbranding claim under California’s Sherman Law, “which expressly adopts federal labeling requirements in their entirety and without modification.” But Theo argued that heavy metals are not “ingredients” or “incidental additives” at all and are thereby exempt from federal labeling disclosure requirements, which would make plaintiffs’ theory non-identical to federal law. The court rejected that argument:

While Defendant may disagree with Plaintiffs as to the meaning of the FDA requirements at issue and whether its products conform to those requirements, that disagreement does not mean that Plaintiffs are trying to impose additional requirements. Moreover, according to Plaintiffs’ allegations, Heavy Metals “get into cacao after beans are harvested,” during “post-harvest processing,” and when the beans are cleaned at factories. Therefore, as alleged, the Heavy Metals are plausibly incidental additives, potentially subject to disclosure under FDA regulations.

At this stage, the court also declined to dismiss plaintiffs’ claims for equitable remedies; they alleged that the available legal remedies are inadequate, especially for prospective harms.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Reading list: The Patterns of Digital Deception, Gregory Dickinson

B.C.L.R. (2024). From the introduction:

… In contrast with the mass emails of old, scammers now stalk and target their victims with expert precision. … To bolster the FTC’s traditional, case-by-case approach to combating unfair competition, lawmakers have proposed (and in some instances enacted) new statutes and regulations to restrict the digital technologies that power online deception. The idea is to preserve the FTC’s scarce enforcement resources by enacting prophylactic restrictions on the technologies that drive deception instead of waiting to pursue wrongdoers after the fact.

This Article warns that that approach is a mistake for two reasons. First, what is new and dangerous about technology-powered scams is not any special power to deceive but their unprecedented efficiency.  

Second, although across-the-board restrictions on digital technologies might have some effect on online fraud, they would do so only at a major cost to innovation…. Across-the-board regulation of key technologies would increase costs and reduce product quality for everyone, for a comparatively minor benefit: scammers would be forced to adopt new tools or, more likely, to ignore the restrictions altogether.

Instead of enacting new technology restrictions, this Article argues, regulators should bolster enforcement efforts in a different way—by coordinating governmental enforcement efforts with those of private litigants….

In particular, four types of online schemes—what this Article identifies as the patterns of deception—have been especially resistant to private enforcement efforts: (1) fly-by-nighters, whose highly mobile operations or location in foreign jurisdictions makes private enforcement difficult; (2) nickel-and-dimers, who operate at a large scale but extract small sums of money from people who individually lack sufficient interest to pursue litigation; (3) user-interface shapeshifters, whose varied and quickly changing user interfaces pose an obstacle to aggregate litigation; and (4) calculated arbitrators, whose terms of service include agreements requiring individualized arbitration of claims and barring consumers from seeking class relief.

… Focus on these legal patterns of deception will offset the procedural limitations of private litigation, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of efforts to combat online fraud, while avoiding the impediments to technological innovation that would come from across-the-board technology restrictions.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

false advertising claim survives because math is hard for reasonable consumers

Robertson v. Clean Control Corp., No. 5:24-cv-01478-SSS-DTBx, 2024 WL 5193852 (C.D. Cal. Dec. 18, 2024)

Robertson bought Odoban, a concentrated multi-purpose cleaning product, which states “Makes up to 32 Gallons” on the front label. That principally describes Odoban as a “Disinfectant” usable as “Laundry & Air Freshener.” When using Odoban for nine of its ten advertised uses, the concentrate does not produce up to 32 gallons. When using Odoban for laundry, it only produces one gallon, and when using Odoban as an air freshener, it produces 6.8 gallons. Only when using Odoban as a “cleaning solution” does the product deliver up to 32 gallons. Robertson brought CLRA and UCL claims, as well as breach of express warranty claims, seeking monetary and injunctive relief.

Odoban argued that the back of the label clarified what “up to” meant by providing instructions and stating that some uses “require more concentrate” and “will provide less than the maximum yield.” But a front label is only ambiguous enough to require a reasonable consumer to read the back label “if ‘reasonable consumers would necessarily require more information before they could reasonably conclude’ that the front label was making a specific representation.” Here, “a reasonable consumer would likely conclude the concentrate produces ‘up to 32 gallons’ of laundry and air freshener, the only two cleaning uses named on the front-label.” That’s not true, and it’s not true by a lot: Odoban can only make 1 gallon of laundry detergent and 6.8 gallons of air freshener. “Makes up to 32 Gallons,” like “One a Day,” states a “concrete number” which “carries a tangible meaning to a reasonable consumer.” “Though reasonable consumers may wonder which of Odoban’s many uses will result in 32 gallons of cleaning product, it is reasonable to assume the only two named uses on the front-label –laundry and air freshener – would, at the bare minimum, produce a quantity in the ballpark of 32 gallons. Some reasonable consumers may even assume the majority of Odoban’s uses would result in 32 gallons.”

The court also noted an FTC report attached to the complaint that studied the effects of “up to” in ads, which found that “a significant proportion of people” exposed to “up to” advertisements “saw the ad as communicating that [product] users would typically” reach the “up to” quantity.

Further, even with the back label, it was plausible that a “significant portion of the general consuming public ... could be misled.” “Understanding which cleaning uses result in 32 gallons, and which result in substantially less, requires math more complicated than a reasonable consumer should be expected to calculate.”

The front label has the “up to” representation and states that a bottle has “1 Gallon (3.79 L[iters]).” The back label instructs consumers to mix a certain number of ounces of Odoban per gallon of water.

Thus, to understand how many gallons of cleaning product a bottle of Odoban produces, a consumer would need to (1) know how many ounces are in a gallon (i.e., 128 ounces), and (2) divide that number by ounces of Odoban used per cleaning product (ex. 22 ounces per gallon of water for air freshener) to arrive at the number of gallons of specified cleaning product (ex. 5.8181811). “Barring a consumer’s exceptional skill” at long division, “it is difficult to imagine how a consumer could generate an accurate estimate” of which cleaning products make up to 32 gallons.

Indeed, the court noted, the complaint pled that one gallon of Odoban produces 6.8 gallons of air freshener when using Clean Control’s suggested 22 ounces per gallon of water. But 128 divided by 22 is 5.818181. “Robertson’s mathematical error further underscores how unreasonable it is to expect consumers, much less those with professional degrees, to calculate the gallons of cleaning product Odoban can produce.” (Or is it that you get 6.8 gallons of air freshener comprised of 5.8 gallons of water and 1 gallon of Odoban? Anyway, the court’s point is made either way, it seems to me.) “Odoban’s label does not clarify which of its ten advertised uses produces 32 gallons of cleaning product, instead relying on consumers to conduct long division in the aisle of a general store.”

Likewise, “Makes up to 32 Gallons” is a specific promise to consumers, one with a set meaning, such that Odoban’s label creates an express warranty.

And, for similar reasons, Robertson had standing to pursue injunctive relief, because there was still a threat of future harm.  She might reasonably, but incorrectly, assume the product was improved in the future.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Two recent amicus briefs: Santos v. Kimmel and Sedlik v. Von Drachtenberg

 In the Second Circuit, supporting fair use on a motion to dismiss in Santos v. Kimmel, and in the Ninth Circuit, supporting the jury's verdict of lack of substantial similarity in Sedlik v. Von Drachtenberg

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Celebration on Rimini Street as it achieves significant (c)/Lanham Act victories in 9th Circuit

Oracle Int’l Corp. v. Rimini Street, Inc., --- F.4th ----, No. 23-16038, 2024 WL 5114449 (9th Cir. Dec. 16, 2024)

Rimini Street gets a reasonably substantial victory in its long-running battle with Oracle in this appeal.

Prior rulings held that Rimini’s processes for serving clients who use Oracle’s software programs infringed on Oracle’s copyrights. Rimini therefore developed new processes for servicing its Oracle-using clients. After a bench trial, the district court ruled that many of these new processes still infringed Oracle’s copyrights and found that certain security-related statements violated the Lanham Act. The court of appeals vacated in part, reversed in part, and remanded.

Oracle’s programs include PeopleSoft, which can be customized to manage all sorts of business processes, including HR processes such as timekeeping, benefits administration, and recruitment and financial processes such as expense tracking and payroll. Oracle also provides optional software support for PeopleSoft, including updates to reflect changes to tax laws and other regulations. Customers can also modify and customize the software themselves or through third-party providers.

“Rimini Street is a third-party provider and direct competitor with Oracle in the support-services market.” Its services include troubleshooting support and software updates, including creating files that only work with Oracle’s products. After the first Oracle lawsuit in 2010, the court found that Rimini infringed Oracle’s copyrights by engaging in “cross-use” and creating copies of Oracle’s materials on Rimini’s computer systems. The court of appeals largely affirmed the district court’s permanent injunction. The district court later found that Rimini violated the injunction and held it in contempt on five issues, four of which the court of appeals upheld. Rimini changed aspects of its business model and sought declaratory judgment that its revised process, “Process 2.0,” did not infringe. Oracle counterclaimed for copyright infringement and violations of the Lanham Act. The district court held that Rimini had, in fact, infringed by engaging in cross-use prohibited by PeopleSoft license agreements and that an update created for the City of Eugene’s PeopleSoft software environment was a “derivative work.” After Oracle abandoned claims for monetary relief, the district court held a bench trial and additionally found that Rimini (1) created infringing derivative works, (2) violated Oracle’s PeopleSoft and Database licensing agreements, and (3) made several statements violating the Lanham Act.

Derivative works: The court says several useful things, in line with Pam Samuelson’s exposition of the derivative works right. (I note amicus support from, among others, EFF, Glynn Lunney, and Betsy Rosenblatt.) The district court held that Rimini’s Process 2.0 files and updates were infringing derivative works because they “only interact[ ] and [are] useable with” Oracle software. But this was the wrong test.  

The Copyright Act defines a “derivative work” as:

a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted.

This “broad” language nonetheless has limits. The text starts with examples. Although “such as” means the list isn’t exhaustive, it still indicates the “kind” of works covered. Thus, “based upon” requires “copying of the kind exhibited in translations, movie adaptations, and reproductions. Mere interoperability isn’t enough.” I would have thought that this was the canon of noscitur a sociis, which means we define a term by “the company it keeps,” but the court treats that as a second principle: “[t]he examples of derivative works provided by the Act all physically incorporate the underlying work or works.” Thus, a derivative work “must be in the subset of works substantially incorporating the preexisting work.” That substantiality can be literal or nonliteral, in total concept and feel.

Here, though there were several examples of literal copying, Rimini challenged only the ruling that Rimini’s programs were derivative works “even if the work[s] do[ ] not contain any of [Oracle’s] copyrighted code … because they interact only with PeopleSoft,” “are extensions to and modifications of Oracle’s copyrighted software” and they “cannot be used with any software programs other than PeopleSoft.” But without more, “derivative status does not turn on interoperability, even exclusive interoperability, if the work doesn’t substantially incorporate the preexisting work’s copyrighted material.” Because the district court applied the wrong legal standard, the court remanded and didn’t reach Rimini’s alternative argument that Oracle’s licensing agreements nonetheless authorize any derivative work or analyze whether Rimini’s programs incorporated protectable nonliteral elements of Oracle’s programs.

In addition, the district court applied the wrong legal standard on Rimini’s § 117(a) defense, which provides that it’s not infringing when an “owner of a copy of a computer program ... mak[es] ... another copy or adaptation of that computer program” for certain purposes, such as when it’s an “essential step” in using the program. At the pleading stage, the district court struck this affirmative defense because it found that “Oracle’s customers only license, rather than buy, Oracle’s copyrighted software.”

In the Ninth Circuit, courts look for “sufficient incidents of ownership” to distinguish a license to a copy from ownership of the copy. Mere labeling of an arrangement as a license, while relevant, is not itself dispositive. Courts also consider whether the parties’ arrangement “significantly restricts the user’s ability to transfer the software” and whether the agreement “imposes notable use restrictions.” Because the concern is ownership of the copy of the copyright, not of the copyright itself, use restrictions that only protect against the infringement of the copyrighted material are less relevant. Instead, courts should attend to use restrictions that affect using the copy of the computer program, such as limiting the user to “one working and one back up copy of the software,” forbidding the “examination, disclosure, copying, modification, adaptation, and visual display of the software,” and permitting the “software use on [a] single computer, [while] prohibit[ing] multicomputer and multi-user arrangements, and permitt[ing] transfer to another computer no more than once every thirty days.” Other “incidents of ownership” may be considered, including whether the user paid “significant consideration to develop the programs for [the user’s] sole benefit” and whether the user could use the “programs ‘forever,’ regardless of whether the parties’ relationship terminated.”

The district court seemed to rely only on the labeling of the agreements between Oracle and its customers as a “license,” and that wasn’t enough. Remand again, both on ownership and on the other elements of the §117 “required step” defense.

The court of appeals also found that the Oracle Database licensing agreement did not prohibit third-party support providers, like Rimini, from possessing a copy of Oracle’s software to further a client’s “internal business operations,” requiring reversal of the district court’s conclusion that it infringed Oracle’s copyright in Database.

A similar ruling about Rimini’s delivery of PeopleSoft updates to clients was intertwined with the derivative works ruling above and needed further sorting out.

Lanham Act: The district court found that Rimini engaged in false advertising; Rimini challenged whether 12 statements about its security services could be found to be misleading.

Oracle provides periodic security patches, aka “Critical Patch Updates,” to customers who buy Oracle software support. Rimini offers its own security service using a technology called “virtual patching.” Unlike Oracle’s patches, virtual patching does not modify source code. Instead, it acts as a firewall for software programs, attempting to intercept and block any exploits. Rimini’s statements covered: (1) statements about the relative security of the parties’ services; (2) statements that Rimini offers “holistic” security; and (3) statements about the need for software patching.

(1) “Relative security” statements:

• “Security professionals have found that traditional vendor security patching models are outdated and provide ineffective security protection.”

• Oracle’s [Critical Patch Updates] are unnecessary to be secure.

• It is not risky to switch to Rimini and forgo receiving [Critical Patch Updates] from Oracle.

• Virtual patching can serve as a replacement for [Oracle] patching.

• “Virtual patching can be more comprehensive, more effective, faster, safer, and easier to apply than traditional [Oracle] patching.”

• “Rimini Security Support Services helps clients proactively maintain a more secure application compared to [Oracle’s] support program which offers only software package-centric fixes.”

• Rimini provides more security as compared to Oracle.

• Rimini’s [Global Security Services] can “pinpoint and circumvent vulnerabilities months and even years before they are discovered and addressed by the software vendor.”

These statements were puffery.

Comparative assertions about effectiveness, riskiness, and security are the kinds of generalized statements of product superiority that we have routinely found to be nonactionable. Here, neither Oracle nor the district court provided any objective, quantifiable metric to measure software’s security, risk to vulnerabilities, or security protocols’ effectiveness to prove the falsity of Rimini’s statements. Indeed, the possibility of exploitation by hackers always exists. No product can offer complete “security” or eliminate all “risk.” Without an objective measure of the difference between perfect security and the security programs offered by Rimini’s and Oracle’s products, any statement about comparative security is necessarily tinged with subjectivity. As Oracle’s security expert acknowledged, “security experts can reasonably disagree on what constitutes adequate security.”

The district court held that Rimini’s statement that its security services could “pinpoint” future vulnerabilities “before they even exist” was literally false because such technology is “not technically feasible.” But “Rimini never claimed clairvoyance in spotting vulnerabilities; instead, it was merely claiming that its products can spot problems before they are ‘discovered and addressed by the software vendor.’” That was “a comparative statement of superiority—not a statement of psychic ability. Indeed, Rimini presented evidence that it had identified and addressed specific vulnerabilities before Oracle released a patch to address them.” Reversed.

(2) Rimini's “holistic security” claim:

The district court found that “holistic security” is a term of art within the world of software security that refers to “a comprehensive approach to security at all layers of a system, and includes security patching at the software level.” Because “industry standards can provide objective meaning to otherwise subjective or ambiguous terms in particular contexts,” the statement was actionable.

If “holistic security” means “multi-layered security protection including at the source-code level” that’s a “binary determination” with “falsifiable criteria.” The district court found that Rimini doesn’t offer multi-level security, so the court of appeals affirmed.

(3) Rimini's “No need for software patching” statements:

• Oracle’s [Critical Patch Updates] provide little to no value to customers and are no longer relevant.

• Once an Oracle ERP platform is stable, there is no real need for additional patches from Oracle.

• If you are operating a stable version of an Oracle application platform, especially with customizations, you probably cannot apply or do not even need the latest patches.

The district court held that these statements were misleading because the “security community recognizes that software-level patching is one of the most important aspects of any modern IT security strategy.” These too were puffery.

The record showed that Oracle’s customers are “some of the most sophisticated companies in the world” and “take the security of their systems seriously.” Whether to deploy or skip software patching is a matter of subjective discretion. One Oracle customer testified that it made the decision not to apply Oracle’s Critical Patching Updates because it focused on its firewall security and believed that the patches could introduce new problems—all before it considered signing up with Rimini. Thus, it is doubtful that any of Oracle’s customers would be fooled about its own security needs merely based on Rimini’s fanciful but vague statements. Indeed, Oracle could not identify “any customers that left Oracle and went to Rimini because of a statement about security.” Nor did Oracle present any evidence of a security breach suffered by a Rimini client. So while these statements border on falsehood, we cannot say that they are so specific and measurable to become actionable under the Lanham Act. We thus reverse.

All this also required the district court to reconsider the scope of the injunction.

Judge Bybee dissented in part, and would have found that the statement “Oracle’s [Critical Patch Updates] provide little or no value to customers and are no longer relevant” was not puffery.  “Little or no value” and “no longer relevant” were “absolute characteristics” that could be “falsified”—Oracle’s product was either valueless and irrelevant or not, even if using software patching is a discretionary decision, and even if Oracle’s “sophisticated” customers would not be “fooled” by this statement. Rimini “internally acknowledges that patching ... is necessary,” and has said that “no one is thinking of not applying patches at all.” Most of Rimini’s statements were puffery because they used qualifiers like “probably,” “can,” and “more”—and made generalized statements. [FWIW, the “qualifiers” justification doesn’t persuade me—most studies I’ve seen show that consumers don’t distinguish in that way.]