With the able assistance of UCI's IP clinic, led by Jack Lerner, I worked on an amicus brief in this case arguing that fair use should continue to be a flexible standard that accommodates various types of transformativeness. The brief is here.
!! Hello! I'm doing a research project on copyright, fanfiction, and the rise of ao3! I'd just like to say I'm a HUGE fan of your work!! I read your paper, Legal fictions: copyright, fanfction, and a new common law, and it was so fascinating! I'd just like to thank you for your work with otw and in general! you're amazing.
!! Hello! I'm doing a research project on copyright, fanfiction, and the rise of ao3! I'd just like to say I'm a HUGE fan of your work!! I read your paper, Legal fictions: copyright, fanfction, and a new common law, and it was so fascinating! I'd just like to thank you for your work with otw and in general! you're amazing.