Thursday, June 09, 2016

Re:Create event in DC, June 20

On June 20, the Re:Create Coalition will host “How It Works: Understanding Copyright Law in the New Creative Economy.”  The internet powers the local and national economy, enabling more than $8 trillion in e-commerce each year. At a time when creativity is flourishing, the panel of policy experts and creators will examine the rise of the new creative economy and how copyright law can strike the right balance in order to promote innovation and economic growth, rather than stifle it.
DATE:                                    Monday, June 20, 2016
TIME:                         1PM - 2:30PM (lunch will be served)
LOCATION:               Capitol Visitors Center
                                    Congressional Meeting Room South
                                    First Street NE
                                    Washington, DC
Panel Participants: Betsy Rosenblatt, Legal Director, Organization for Transformative Works
Katie Oyama, Senior Policy Counsel, Google
Becky “Boop” Prince, YouTube CeWEBrity and Internet News Analyst
Alex Feerst, Corporate Counsel, Medium
Josh Lamel (Moderator), Executive Director, Re:Create Coalition

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