Monday, June 13, 2005

Still hoping for an archived source for the Open Source radio show, which was quite interesting -- we spent more time on Star Trek fandom than I'd hoped for, but I have forgotten what it's like to introduce an audience to the subject, and Star Trek is always a helpful way in. One thing I wished I'd gotten to say about Lee Goldberg's position that fan fiction shows disrespect for creators' intellectual property -- he compared it to another person giving "your children" "attitudes you never intended or wanted." Which to me sounds a lot like raising a real child -- they come from us, but they aren't us, which is alternately a source of joy and despair. I'm going to be writing a piece for a book on IP and gender about the "work as child" metaphor. What fascinates me is that the metaphor has persisted and still seems persuasive to many even as the persuasiveness of the original claim to ownership of one's children has faded. It takes a village to raise a child; it takes an interpretive community to create a text.

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